Press releases

 On our Blog you can find regular updates and reports about our activities.
(English translation can be found below the German text in each blog entry)


Marburg's school newspaper reports about the educational topics:  Corona and digitalisation. On the front page you can see one of our NAO V5 robots with the fitting name NAO. In the Robotikum in Marburg's schools we use those to teach students the basics of robotics


Robotikum workshops wil soon start at the Lahntalschule in Biedenkopf as a new base school, and was opened on 20.08.2020. Four humanoid robots of the NAO V6 type will be used here to teach pupils more skills in the digital field.

to the German article


District Administrator Kirsten Fründt visited our RoboPraX robotic centre and was introduced to our team and the eight new NAO robots that were purchased for two schools in the district of Marburg-Biedenkopf. This was followed by a great interview by adminstrator Fründt (click here for the video). In August teachers of the two schools will be trained by us, and then it begins! Maker-Space with NAO robots. 

Photo:  Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf

To the German article in Oberhessische Presse

To the German article in Sonntagmorgenmagazin

to the German article on Uni Marburg Wbsite


Der Freitag (a weekly German magazine) has listed the 3rd edition of the book "Handbuch Hochschullehre Digital" by Prof. Dr. Juergen Handke as book of the week!

to the page (German)


The Luxembourgish radio station Radio 100,7 reports on whether robots can replace humans in the future. The report contains statements by Prof. Dr. Handke.

to the audio report


The Oberhessische Presse reports that in Marburg a robot is now being used in dentistry. It is intended to impart specialist knowledge to students of the Philipps University - not only in times of Corona.

to the Article


Prof. Handke and Miki in an online Interview with Hallo Hessen.

to the Video (German)


Prof.  Dr. Jürgen Handke talks in a reportage with the title  "Howto Studium - Leben und Lernen in Corona-Zeiten" - "How to study- living and learning in the time of Corona" (From minute 19:15)

To the report (German)


Professor Jürgen Handke talks with "back to the classroom" , that deals with themes such as the future of school classes during and after the current corona-crisis (From minute 15:25).

To the article (German)


Digitized teaching in the Corona-crisis: The Coronatalk (50) -- Oasen in der Digitalisierungwüste, with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke from "freie Radios".

To the Podcast (German)


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke takes part in a documentary on the role of AI in job training in the TV program Arte (from Minute 21:30).

To the video (German)


The newspaper Oberhessische Presse : Interview with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke about the importance of digitized teaching methods in universities in the times of Corona crisis.

To the article (German)


Summer Term has started in Germany and students take part in online classes while being at home. How is that actually working out for students and course instructors? Deutschlandfunk discusses this with Prof. Dr. Handke and three other experts.

To the program (German)


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke talks in a video with MERTON, Online Magazin des Stifterverbandes, and explains the importance of digitizing univeristy courses, even after the corona crisis is over.

to the article (German)


SRW2 published a new article about digital teaching. In this article Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke and his Team from Marburg are mentioned several times.

to article & audio report (de)


In its 25th episode the Durchfechter Podcast interviewed with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke: From his life as a student life to his innovative ideas in teaching as a professor in Marburg University.

To the Podcast (de)


The German newspaper Oberhessische Presse writes on our Robo-Prof, Jürgen Handke.

to the article (de)


Campus Magazin reports about the digital world of robots in university and work.

to the article & video (de)


Hessenschau has a new article on our Robotikum on a visit to Georg-Büchner-Schule in Stadtallendorf.

To  article & audio report (de)


Deutschlandfunk has a report on our project Robotikum at schools.

To the Report (Audio, German)


Lernen der Zukunft (Blog Post) :

Robots, their appearances and their usage in university courses

to article (de) & Video (en)


The Oberhessische Presse newspaper reported on the success of our project at the University Competition (Hochschulwettbewerb) 2019. Our Project was chosen as one of the Top 3 projects.

to the article (German)


The "University Competition" 2019 is now over. The three best realizations are set and we are among them!  We were awarded at the Science Communication Forum.

to the article (German)


12. Campus Innovation 2019 in Hamburg: Interview with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke - Humanoide Roboter als Partner in der Hochschullehre (Humamoid Robots as Partners in University Teaching)

to the interview (German)


Mittelhessen reports about the "Robotikum" - Didi, Dodo, Miki and Nao inspire the students with their tricks.

to the article (German)


Meanwhile they are a regular guest at HR Fernsehen: 

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke and his humanoid robots - for the 4th time at Hallo Hessen

to the video (German)


Miki and Didi in the TH Köln (Technische Hochschule Köln) :

The Kölnische Rundschau Newspaper on our projects and the Robotikum

to the article (German)


The online magazine Bildung + Innovation from the German Education Server spoke with Prof. Handke about the use of humanoid robots in university teaching and the projects H.E.A.R.T. and RoboPraX. 

to the article (German)


Zeit Online visited the University of Marburg and accompanied a seminar conducted by Prof. Handke and robot Yuki.


to the video (de)


Künstliche Intelligenz im Wissenschaftsjahr 2019: Interview with our project coordinator, Sabrina Zeaiter about Artificial Intelligence.

To the interview (German)


The Hessische Niedersächsische Allgemeine reports about the visit of the team in Baunatal during the school cinema weeks on the subject of artificial intelligence.

to the article (German)


The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung describes the interaction of pupils with the project's robots during the School Cinema Weeks.


to the article (German)


The Oberhessiche Presse reports about the visit of the team in the Cineplex Marburg at the school cinema weeks about artificial intelligence.

to the article (German)


The new RoboPrax project received 600,000 euros from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, according to the Oberhessische Presse.

to the article (German)

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