Projects Summer Term 2020

In summer term 2020 the seminar "RoboTeach" was offered for the second time at the Philipps-University of Marburg. The final projects are described in detail on this page. In the following video you can get some visual impressions of each project.

projects of summer term 2020

  • ViveLaRobolution

    NAO in the French Revolution

    In this micro-project, students work together with the robot to gather information about the French Revolution. NAO is supposed to imitate one person of each of the three stands and make a typical movement. Students will program this themselves using an example and getting help from the worksheets.

  • RoboExchange

    Nao as an exchange student

    In this micro-project, NAO helps students in an English classes to work on worksheets about America by giving them tips. Afterwards, students can go on a virtual road trip with NAO.

  • RoboMath

    NAO in math class

    In this micro project NAO helps explain and practice fractions. After students finish the preparatory work in class, they are supposed to create a program themselves in a Robotikum course. This should serve to consolidate the contents as well as to promote logical thinking.

  • TravelBot

    NAO on a world trip

    In this micro-project NAO takes students on a virtual journey. Students will gain some knowledge on oceans, continents and countries on the earth. Afterwards NAO moderates a quiz and introduces the topic of the next lessons.

  • RoboGuide

    NAO as a tour guide

    In this micro-project NAO plays a tour guide who travels virtually in America with students. Students can choose between different travel destinations. At the respective location, NAO can show pictures of sights, and give some information about them.

  • ZeitzeugenRobo

    NAO as a witness

    In this micro project NAO acts as a witness of the Shoa. Since only a few witnesses are alive today, the robot is available to students for questions. Students should thereby understand why the Shoa is still relevant today. Furthermore, they are introduced to the logic of programming by programming their own interviews afterwards.

  • RoboPatient

    NAO as a patient

    In this microproject NAO plays an injured patient. With the help of the worksheets, students are supposed to make a diagnosis as a doctor. They can ask the robot various questions about its injury. Afterwards, students should suggest a suitable treatment method to NAO.

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